
Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Weekly Values

Weekly Values

This week our Value of The Week Is Risk Taker! Te Ropu Whakamanawa created either a Google Drawing or a MindMup. I choose to create a MindMup, as a new experience! Here is my Risk-Taking DLO:

Thanks for looking at my Risk-Taking DLO!

What are your biggest "Out of Comfort" things to do?

Friday, 18 October 2019

My Strengths

My Strengths

Today in Te Ropu Whakamanawa we created a DLO for Mindfulness. It is about "Focus on 
what is strong, rather then what is wrong" Here is my DLO:

P.S. Jeremey is my Wooden Dank Birb

I got my information from my brain.

What are your top 3 strengths?

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Fanimals Visit

Fanimals Visit!

Image result for fanimals logo png
Today at Ara Tu Whakata, Gilberthorpe School, had a visit from the famous T.V. show Fanimals! Fanimals is a show all about animals and playing fun games! They show how to make cool things with food, making treats for your animals and lots of other cool stuff! Jess, the host, came in with the famous dog, Molson! Molson is a 5-year-old Golden Retriever who loves cuddles! We had the visit and we asked them questions and had a pat with Molson! We got some prizes to give out to students who are being behaved. Whakamanawa had extra time with Molson and had some photos! Here are the ones on Miss Wahos phone:

A Lovely Photo with Jess and Molson, with Deegan blinking


Molson Enjoying His Company

Jeremey Enjoying The Spotlight!

Courtney Holding her Postcard Thingy

Molson Getting Pats for Days!

More and More Cuddles!!!

Reco Talking to Levi

Lots of Cuddles from Whakamanawa!

I hope you got to have some cuddles with Molson! 

I got my information from my brain

What was your favourite part of Fanimals visit?

Monday, 14 October 2019


Today in Te Ropu Whakamanawa we created some SMART Goals for Term 4, and here is my work showing my unique goals:


I have got the information for my goals from my curriculum levels

What is your biggest goal?