
Friday, 20 September 2019

Our Trip To Orana Wildlife Park

Orana Wildlife Park

In Te Ara Takitini, we went to Orana Wildlife Park! Te Ropu Whakamanawa had a lot of fun with our Educator, Elizabeth. We arrived and Me and Courtney were pumped for the trip! We were told the rules, and then we began! Te Ropu Whakamanawa saw the Sumatran Tiger first. I learned that Sumatran Tigers strips go right through into their skin! I really enjoyed seeing the Sumatran Tiger, and I enjoyed learning about the Sumatran Tiger!

Image result for sumatran tiger enclosure orana wildlife park

The Sumatran Tiger

Then we went to the Tasmanian Devils, which were adorable! Pumba, who is 8, was sleeping as we walked up the slope. I stopped and looked, and he looked right back at me! I really wanted to keep Pumba, but he was happy where he was. I learnt that the average life span of a Tasmanian Devil was 6 - 7 years old. So, Pumba was old for a Tasmanian Devil!

Pumba the Tasmanian Devil

I don't know the order we went in after that, but we saw some pretty interesting animals! I remember that we saw some really intelligent Kea, one of our native birds! I learnt that they can be some cheeky birds, and that they like washing their toys!

The Kea eating his lunch!

We also saw some Llamas, but Milla wasn't there! She would have enjoyed that very much. I was scared of the Llamas, even though Elizabeth told us they don't spit. I still kept my distance though! There was 4 baby Llamas, but people were saying they were Alpacas.

The Llamas minding their business 

We saw many more amazing animals, but this is the end of this trip! I hoped you enjoyed this post and learnt something from it!

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